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A journey of self discovery

How I healed Endometriosis with

Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Reflexology

My Pepeha


Bridgitt McNabb

BA Nat. Health, Dip. Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine, Dip. Reflexology, Cert. Hauora


"My great Grandfather, Matua Tangira, was a Tohunga".

Ko Bridgitt McNabb toku ingoa

My name is Bridgitt McNabb

 Ko Mihimarino me Te Uhi toku maunga

My Mountains are Mihimarino and Te Uhi

 Ko Waipapa me Te Wairoa toku awa

My Rivers are Waipapa and Wairoa

 Ko Pahaoa me Te Poho o Tiakiwai toku marae

My Marae are Pahaoa and Te Poho o Tiakiwai

 Ko Kahurautou me Tiakiwai o te Wairoa toku hapu

My sub-tribes are Kahurautou and Tiakiwai, Wairoa

 Ko Te Whanau a Apanui me Ngati Kahungunu toku iwi

My Tribes are Te Whanau a Apanui and Ngati Kahungunu o te Wairoa

 Ko Mataatua me Takitimu toku waka

My Waka are Mataatua and Takitimu

 Ko Graeme McNabb me Ada-Jane Parkinson oku tipuna matua

My Parents are Graeme McNabb and Ada-Jane Parkinson

 Ko George McNabb me Ruby Sachet oku tipuna

Mr Grandparents were George McNabb and Ruby Sachet

 Ko Walter-John Parkinson me Te Ata-iti Tangira oku tipuna

My Grandparents were Walter-John Parkinson and Te Ata-iti Tangira

 Ko Matua Tangira me Hariata Wirepa oku tipuna

My Great Grandparents were Matua Tangira and Hariata Wirepa

 Ko Wahawaha Apanui me Wi Repa oku tipuna

My Great, Great Grandparents were

Wahawaha Apanui and Wi Repa


My Ancestors were:

Ko Tapuae me Te Rauhina oku tipuna

 Te Hamana Tiakiwai oku tipuna

No reira

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.


Pahoa Marae, Te Kaha


Te Paripari, Te Kaha

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Established 2011.

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